
【禁闻】中共军队大换血 新军委呼之欲出


据中共《解放军报》8月18号报导,中央军委副主席范长龙最近到驻西藏 、青海的部队调研,总参谋长助理高津、副部长刘铮等随同调研。这是高津第一次以〝总参谋长助理〞职务履新。


现年56岁的乙晓光,在2010年12月升任南京军区空军司令员,2012年7月晋升中将军衔,前年年底,总参高层 随着中央军委换届而大规模调整,乙晓光在12月进京,出任总参谋长助理。



旅美政论家伍凡 :〝现在的军队架构主要是以陆军为主,今后可能大军区都要取消了,大军区是以陆军为主的,现在要改成海、陆、空、二炮联合作战,这样的一个军事架构,那么要从海、陆、空、二炮部队里提拔新的人才。〞

北京时政 观察人士华颇:〝这届军委是18大新组建的,是双方斗争所妥协的一个产物,我想这届军委的人事安排,并不满意,但是为了能够顺利接班,他就隐忍答应了,但是随着的落马,给了习近平清洗军内的一个最好的口实,所以就以反腐为名,对军队进行大换血。〞


伍凡:〝习近平上来才两年不到,他军权没有完全掌握住,经过这次清理了谷俊山和徐才厚之后,要把军队高层,中央军委要清理,清理过程也顺便要把整个军队的指挥架构、组织架构要进行改变。在这个过程中间才能慢慢 掌握军队。我相信,把中央军委改变了,军队的体制架构也改变了,这样他才能算是真正开始掌握军队。〞




美国《》新闻网专栏作者周晓晖指出,中共军方高级将领在大换血后,前中共党魁提拔的,或与其有关联的高级将领已所剩不多。习近平所信赖的将领基本掌控了军队的关键位置,习因此获得了军队强有力的支持,而军队也将为习拿下〝超级江泽民 做后盾。

采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/舒灿


Large Scale Reshuffles in China Military New Military Commission Formed

Recently, the Chinese army frequently changed its personnel. Gao Jin, has been appointed to his new rank as Chief of Staff of the Second Artillery. He appeared in public as Assistant to the Chief of Staff, which position was briefly available after Yi Xiaoguang was appointed Major General, Deputy Chief of Staff. Analysts say that with the reshuffle of army personnel, Chinese leader Xi Jinping has truly grasped military power. The personnel of the Central Military Commission will be under Xi’s control.

The People’s Liberation Army Daily reported on Aug. 18, Fan Changlong, Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Commission went to Tibet and Qinghai military regions to do routine inspection. Gao Jin, Assistant to the Chief of Staff, and Liu Zhen, Deputy Minister of Logistics accompanied him, with Gao in his new rank for the first time in public.

Sources say that Yi Xiaoguang, Assistant to the Chief of Staff attended a Beijing military work meeting on July 25, in his new rank of Deputy Chief of Staff. Yi’s new identity was officially reported for the first time.

Yi Xiaoguang, age 56, was promoted Nanjing Air Force Commander in Dec. 2010.In July, 2012, Yi was named as Lieutenant General. At the end of 2013, high-level military personnel underwent major personnel changes. Yi went to Beijing in December, was appointed Assistant to the Chief of Staff.

Sources say that since Sept. 2004, Commanders became candidates for the Central Military Commission. Promotion procedure in.all 3 services was set out this way: First select candidate to be Major General Chief of Staff, Then take the position of Deputy Chief of Staff in the transition period. Later, when military commission personnel shuffles, the Deputy Chief of Staff would return to take over the Commander’s role. This procedure model was established when Wei Feng took over as Second Artillery Commander before the 18th Congress.

Thus Yi Xiaoguang and Gao Jin likely would separately be favorable candidates for the next Commanders of Air Force and Second Artillery.

Chris Wu, US-based political affairs expert: “The current military structure is dominated by the Army. In the future, it likely will cancel the large military regions. Large military regions were dominated by the Army, now it will combine with Navy, Air Force, and Second Artillery, as a unified fighting force. With such a military structure, they would select new leadership from it.”

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer: “The current military commission was set up in the 18th national congress. It was the result of compromise by two factions. I think Xi Jinping isn’t satisfied with the current personnel of the military commission. But in order to smoothly take office, he had to agree. Xu Caihou’s downfall gives Xi Jinping a good excuse to clear out the military. So the military has been largely reshuffled under the excuse of anti-corruption.”

On Aug. 11, PLA Daily reported that the Military General Political Department issued an outline. It requests to positively support military reform, pushing forward reform of the leadership promotion system. It said that in the past two years, the military had finished a series of personnel changes. On Aug. 1, 2013, large army regions chief personnel finished its changes. In February 2014, a new round of changes to the rank of general has been carried out. It involved 30 senior generals in three major army and services as well as seven major military regions.

Chris Wu: “Less than two years since Xi Jinping took office, he hasn’t completed control of military power. After Gu Junshan and Xu Caihou were taken down recently, he would clear out the military senior level and the Central Military Commission. It includes changing the personnel structure of order and management system. During the procedure, gradually he would grasp military power. I believe that only by changes to the Central Military Commission and Military structure, can he truly hold military power.”

Some media say that Xi Jinping worked in Nanjing in the past, he trusts military generals from Nanjing region and appoints them to important roles. The current Nanjing regional Commander Cai Yingting will become a favorable candidate for Chief of Staff. Liu Yuan, who took down Gu Junshan and Xu Caihou likely would become Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Commission after the upcoming 4th session of the 18th Congress.

Hua Po: “I think Xi wants to break the power balance. Because new personnel of military commission was dominated by the Jiang and Youth League factions plus Xi’s people. However, Xi has sent second Red generation in the military, which he felt weak, so he wants to strengthen more power. It’s likely he would reshuffle the personnel in the military commission. Liu Yuan likely would be appointed into the military commission. Liu Yuan definitely would take an important position.”

On Aug. 13, the Global People magazine listed China’s current 34 Generals. Amongst these Generals, 10 of them were appointed after Xi took office, and 24 of them were appointed during Hu Jin’s tenure. Most of them were trusted by Hu and Xi.

Zhou Xiaohui, writer of US-based the Epoch Times news website says that senior generals are largely reshuffled. Of people, who were appointed by Jiang Zemin or linked with Jiang, not manywere left. Xi Jinping’s people have control of important positions in the military. Thus Xi has gained strong support there. Furthermore, the military would be a backup for Xi to take down Jiang Zemin, the “super big Tiger”.

采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/舒灿

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

From 【禁闻】中共军队大换血 新军委呼之欲出-来源:澳洲新闻

