
【禁闻】习近平握手退休官员 或加速查江派

徐才厚和落马后,一度传出阵营〝打虎〞遇到了阻力。不过,中共媒日前高调报导,主导的〝反腐〞运动,已经获得中共离退休官员的支持。分析认为,这表明未来 查处的速度或者会加快。


中国 资深法学专家赵远明:〝习近平实际上讲这个话,就是为了更多的争取老干部,在反腐过程中对他给予支持,这样他好腾出力量,集中打击的贪腐人员。因为你看习近平腐的话,抓了那么多省部级官员,这个在历史 上还是很少见的。那么也就看到他遇到的阻力,反抗甚至也是很严重的,所以他需要各方面的支持。〞



习近平自上台以来,掀起〝反腐〞风暴,已有数十名省部级高官落马,其中很多是江派要员,包括中共政治局前常委周永康 、前军委副主席徐才厚、前中共政协副主席等人。


8月底,大陆 媒体密集报导,退休后〝不问政事,安享晚年〞的前中共元老,如:万里、田纪云、、朱鎔基、李瑞环,以及刚刚卸任的等人,或以露面,或以写文章 的形式,不断抨击江泽民〝老人干政〞,传递支持习近平的信号。


美国中文 杂志《北京之春》主编胡平 指出,〝反腐〞虽然获得了各方势力的支持,但中共是制度性的腐败,十官九贪,是〝反腐〞将面临的更大问题






Xi Jinping ‘s Handshakes With Retired Officials

Could Speed Up Anti-Corruption Campaign

After the downfall of Xu Caihou and Zhou Yongkang, the

anti-corruption campaign of Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan

has been said to have met resistance.

Recent Communist mouthpieces hyped the retired officials ‘

firm support of the campaign.

Analysts believe the investigation of the remaining Jiang faction

could be accelerated.

Xinhua reported on Nov. 26, in the awards ceremony of the

retired Communist official, Xi Jinping addressed that, the

retired officials are firm supporters of punishing corruption.

Senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming:” Xi Jinping ‘s talk was to

win the veteran cadres ‘ support of his anti-corruption

movement, so that he could free up forces to focus

on defeating the Jiang faction.

Xi Jinping ‘s anti-corruption has sacked many provincial

and ministerial level officials.

It is quite rare in the history of the CCP.

The resistance he met is certainly severe.

He needs all the support he can get.”

Zhao Yuanming believes Xi Jinping ‘s statement suggested there

is strong support behind anti-corruption and everything

is under control.

The investigation of the Jiang faction is anticipated

to speed up.

Zhao Yuanming:” You can see most second generation Communist

high officials, or the Red Juniors, are in

support of Xi Jinping.

Now with the support of the retired cadres, that means the

support from the leadership of the Communist officialdom.

His campaign is likely to continue to go deep because he needs

the strength and the support from all aspects.

Including the people, the public opinion, the action,

the institution, and all forces, he needs them all.”

Since Xi Jinping took office, dozens of provincial and

ministerial level officials were sacked

due to his anti-corruption campaign.

Many of them are significant figures of the Jiang faction.

This includes former Politburo standing committee

Zhou Yongkang, former vice chairman of the Central Military

Commission Xu Caihou, and former vice chairman of the

Political Consultative Conference Su Rong.

When Zhou Yongkang ‘s case was filed for investigation on

July 29, the Central Inspection teams followed with intensive

inspection visits, from Jiang Zemin ‘s hometown in Jiangsu, his

lair in Shanghai, to his old employer the FAW Group.

This move is believed to corner the

“ultimate big tiger”, Jiang Zemin.

In late August, mainland media hyped up criticism on

Jiang Zemin ‘s intervening in the political realm and support

for Xi Jinping from numerous retired Communist veterans.

Included are Wan Li, Tian Jiyun, Song Ping, Zhu Rongji,

Li Ruihuan, and Hu Jintao.

They either made public appearances or published statements.

As for the Red Juniors, hundreds of them vowed their support

to ‘hit the tiger ‘ in a Chinese New Year gathering in February.

In a Beijing forum in early November, nearly 100 of them

voiced their support to the campaign;

In late November, dozens of military Red Juniors showed their

support at an event during military commemoration.

Beijing Spring Magazine editor Hu Ping indicates that, even

though the anti-corruption campaign has earned much support,

the systematic corruption, i.e., 90% of officials are corrupt,

is the bigger issue the CCP is faced with.

Hu Ping:” On the one hand, he wants people to believe

anti-corruption is real and targets even the high powers.

On the other hand, he assures the veteran cadres and the

party officials that they are safe, they need to support him.”

Former Professor of history Li Yuanhua says that the campaign

relies on a group of corrupt ones to punish another

group of corrupt ones.

If people are made to believe that any corrupt one is bound to

be punished, there is no one to conduct the punishment.

Professor Li Yuanhua: 、”The people want to fight the corruption.

But the anti-corruption won ‘t be thorough.

The totalitarian ways of the CCP are not open or civilized. “

As long as the Communist dictatorship

exists, corruption exists.

Li Yuanhua believes China ‘s future relies on abandoning the

CCP dictatorship and moving towards true democracy.

Interview & Edit/LiYun

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

From 【禁闻】习近平握手退休官员 或加速查江派-来源:澳洲新闻

